Thursday, March 16, 2017

This is a montage of found footage I made using clips from Sonny and Cher's variety show, The David Letterman show, and the news footage of Cher speaking at Sonny's funeral.

In this piece, I was interested in Cher and Sonny's relationship as performers.  Honestly, Sonny Bono sucks, his jokes weren't funny, and pretty much his only actions shown on their variety show were of him grabbing Cher's waist, stomach, or shoulders.  Cher makes most of the jokes that are funny and Sonny in multiple episodes tells Cher that she messed up her lines or was saying something the wrong way. It's interesting that Cher and Sonny lasted as an act together for so long, despite their minimal movement of dance or performance on stage.

Cher moved on (thankGOD) and did her own thing.

Also Cher's twitter is SO GOOD, check it out: @Cher A goddess, a genius

The Exploding Plastic Inevitable

The Exploding Plastic Inevitable was organized by Andy Warhol. This piece included the artists, Gerard Malanga, Mary Woronov, Ingrid Superstar, Danny Williams, The Velvet Underground. The Velvet Underground played live while dancers, Gerard Malanga, Mary Woronov, Ingrid Superstar danced while images of Andy Warhol's movies were projected over them.
Lou Reed was not at the performance that was recorded on 16mm film by Robert Nameth

McLuhan describes the Exploding Plastic Inevitable, “with-in this all-encompassing, audiovisual environment, the flickering half-presence of television’s (then) low level of resolution was seen to create a “mosaic” that called forth the spectator’s “participatory” in-filling and a synaesthetic, multisensory response.  “The TV image... requires each instant that we ‘close’ the spaces in the mesh by a convulsive sensuous participation that is profoundly kinetic and tactile.”

Ronald Nameth - Andy Warhols Exploding Plastic Inevitable (1966).mov
This is a 16mm film that captures images of the Exploding Plastic Inevitable.

“The EPI represented the “auditory space” of electronic media, which as McLuhan explained, was multidirectional, synaesthetic, and interactive.” (Branden W. Joseph)

The Exploding Plastic Inevitable created a a small scale global village McLuhan describes in his book, The Medium is the Massage.  McLuhan describes the Exploding Plastic inevitable in “The Agenbite Outwit,” “Any pattern in which the components co-exist without direct lineal hook-up or connection, creating a field of simultaneous relations [which] is auditory, even though some aspects can be seen….They form a mosaic or corporate image whose parts are interpenetrating.  Such is also the kind of order that tends to exist in a city or a culture.  It is a kind of orchestral, reasonating unity.” McLuhan describes the creation of the global village in the Exploding Plastic Inevitable as the creation of an experience that all the participants and attendees unconsciously felt through the interdependence of the sounds, the light show, the projected images, and the performers.

Good Girls Gone Bad

Me and Lilly created an experimental sound piece.  The idea was influenced by Cher and Sonny, Andy Warhol, La Monte Young, and John Cage.  For this project, Lilly and I guided our class to the wellness center and asked people to position themselves on different levels of the stairwell in the building.  We then asked everyone to use their phone to play the link we sent in email.  The piece is about the experience of listening.  Driving influence from La Monte Young's Dream House, a piece about sound that viewers walked through and heard different sounds playing from different locations of the room.
Image result for la monte young dream house
Image of La Monte Young's Dream House
For this piece we were interested in the distortion of the song from not only being in a space with reverb from the concrete walls but also distortion from the layers of everyone playing the song off of their phone at slightly differing times. The sound was dependent on the process of streaming it from youtube.

Some ideas that Lilly and I were thinking about for this piece was its connection to McLuhan's idea of the global village.  The internet is a tool for mass communication amongst people.  The song was a clip we posted on youtube.

"I've Got You, Babe"

The piece was about the interconnectedness between the individual and the global village.  Because we asked everyone to play the song off their phone, a personal item it was an individualized experience.  The location in the stairwell also affected the individual experience.  By asking everyone to stand on different levels and play the song, the piece was a distortion from the interacting layers of sound.  A global village was created in that moment of an understanding or experience to sound that was different for every individual but was completely interdependent on the actions, sounds, and movements of every individual present.

Other things I was thinking about but will explain later is how this piece connects to a "cinema of attraction" defined by Tom Gunning.
-----act of putting something on display and the subject as spectacle.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Something is Happening

Something is Happening was an art exhibition in the Mudd Gallery.  The show was a great experience and the snacks were off-the-hook.  A person who came to the show told me that my pieces looked really gross.... and they didn't even see the book I made....  The two pieces I hung were Wrinkle and Ankle. These were selected from a series of photos I took that captured images of the body so that they were not recognizable body parts.  The book I created was titled "Skins."  The book is collaged photos from my album Skins on Flickr, screenshots from the video footage from when I made the video Magnus, and other photos I took on my iphone of ink in a can.  I wanted the book to present itself as fragments of the Organ player's life even though the images I used are from unrelated times and of unrelated subjects, besides the theme of red and skin throughout the book.  I also think that the pictures of me are either full of movement or very still and reflective.  And by juxtaposing this with still images of ink, skin, and other abstracted body parts, i think it makes it seem like the organ player is seen as reflecting on the images or that's what they are seeing.

Cover of "Skins"


Recently, I keep listening to this song called "Disengaged" by Grouper.  I really like that they use found sound and distort the voice and piano.  In many other songs they have on this album, they also use found sound.  This reminds me of McLuhan's reference to John Cage in his book, "The Medium is the Massage."  John Cage talks about everyone having the best seat in the house in reference to enjoying music and by redefining it to be every sound around you, creating a piece.  This is because"the ear world is a world of simultaneous relationships" (113).
Grouper - Disengaged

Originally for this project, me and Lilly sang "I've Got You, Babe" by Sonny and Cher.  We sang over a karaoke version of the song in GarageBand while using guitar distortions.  We really don't like Sonny Bono so we decided that we should make a new song.

This song was made by recording myself playing the organ and distorting it in GarageBand.  I then sang over the organ playing through GarageBand then distorted my voice through a guitar distortion.  I duplicated parts of the track and layered them to make the song.