Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Recently, I keep listening to this song called "Disengaged" by Grouper.  I really like that they use found sound and distort the voice and piano.  In many other songs they have on this album, they also use found sound.  This reminds me of McLuhan's reference to John Cage in his book, "The Medium is the Massage."  John Cage talks about everyone having the best seat in the house in reference to enjoying music and by redefining it to be every sound around you, creating a piece.  This is because"the ear world is a world of simultaneous relationships" (113).
Grouper - Disengaged

Originally for this project, me and Lilly sang "I've Got You, Babe" by Sonny and Cher.  We sang over a karaoke version of the song in GarageBand while using guitar distortions.  We really don't like Sonny Bono so we decided that we should make a new song.

This song was made by recording myself playing the organ and distorting it in GarageBand.  I then sang over the organ playing through GarageBand then distorted my voice through a guitar distortion.  I duplicated parts of the track and layered them to make the song.

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